Tuesday, October 25, 2005


Ok Ok. So this post is well way over-due, but I had to wait and make sure it was safe before I advertised this piece of information to the entire blogosphere. Yes this is silly, but considering the fact that my blog is the closest thing I have for representing my life, there are certain things my friends on the east coast must be aware of. And I believe the person I spend 90% of my time with outside of gas station owners and Wal-Mart managers is definitely a blog worthy topic!

So meet Chris Denny.

You may recognize him from my birthday post who was then introduced at the coolest guy ever (which still proves to be true!). But you know it was in that inbetween phase where you're not exactly sure how to define the relationship. But I can now confidently introduce everyone to Chris as my boyfriend. So naturally I want everyone to meet him!

Somehow we both ended up in California together. In a nutshell, he came from Florida and now works at the church I found on the internet doing a combination of graphic design and youth ministry. We have basically hung out ever day since we really met. Adventures vary from taking shots of wheat grass juice (2 1/2 lbs. of fresh green vegetables) to jammin to 80's cover bands to taking directionless trips to the coast.

In the future we hope that Chris will update his blog (he is a link on mine) so we can tap into his life!

I just got a brilliant idea. An explanation for the picture first . This is Chris trying to perfect the frown face. He has potential but a long ways to go! So let's have a competition throughout our blogging circle for the best frown. I am very proud of the arch in my frown. I will frequently be checking everyone’s blog for their frown face. So post one, if you don't then I'll just assume that I get to take home the cake!!!

Friday, October 21, 2005

definition of cool

First the flip-phone

Now an IPOD!

Next a plasma TV for real. (sorry JD that was a joke)

But we're talking baby steps here!

So the point of this post! I, like the rest of the Apple lovin world, own an IPOD! And i must say I really dig the cingular commercial of the girl listening to i-tunes on her phone. You know, shes gracefully waking down the street, but on the inside she is JAMMIN to her tunes! I think it's a fantastic commercial.

Anyways, happy birthday to dianne. This is my present thanks to a combination of people. I am super excited, although I still haven't actually gotten any songs on it just yet. My first attempt to use it, it FROZE! Typical, I know! But I'm just hoping to compete with Hanna for the title of the "technical genius."

Now here's the fun part! I got engrave something on the back. Naturally had I known about this in advance to ordering, I would have put deep thought into this engravement. But in the heat of the moment, I had to just choose a quote, a lyric, a verse, just something to sum up my i-tune identity.

What did I choose? Who can guess simply from this picture and by knowing my random thoughts??? You'll get a prize if you get it right!

Monday, October 17, 2005

a common phrase

There's no place like home... I guess Dorothy actually knew what she was talking about. And I never even really cared for the movie to be honest.

But guess what... and probably to no one's surprise I miss home. And which spot do I exactly pinpoint as home, I'm not exactly positive.

Montgomery was home for the longest but it seems like forever ago that I actually lived there. But on Sunday morning when I was sitting on my porch a hummingbird flew into my balcony and I think stared at me for at least 4 seconds. That's when it felt just like yesterday that I was sitting on my porch in Montgomery and my dad was recounting every time a hummingbird landed on one of our feeders. I got sentimental over a hummingbird!

Then at church we were singing "my glorious" and it took me back to my days in Auburn at Encounter. As I closed my eyes I could see the room slam-pack filled with people praising the LORD. It was a great vision that I miss being part of!

When I miss everyone so much, naturally I turn to the cell phone to hear a voice, voices that bring comfort. And they did just that. The beauty of the entire day was knowing that everyone I spoke to that felt just like me. We all miss each other, but we are all where God has us right now.

I know without a shadow of a doubt that I am supposed to be at this exact spot in California. And I rejoice in the fact that the Lord has made that so evident to me. But I wanted to let everyone know that I miss you and you are irreplaceable. I am very happy here, but I do miss you.

I know I normally share the random and bizarre Cali moments in my blog. But today I wanted to give a different insight.

Friday, October 14, 2005

Turning 23

My goal was simply to have low expectations for my birthday this year. Yes. This is the very first year, I haven't been physically with my family and friends. And knowing the big extravaganza we have always placed on each others birthdays, I didn't know exactly how this one was going to go over.

But someway somehow, yall made me feel just as special as you have on every other birthday. My face was filled with big smiles each time someone sang a beautiful birthday melody on my answering machine. The variations of the song NEVER get old. And to hear a little beep from my cell phone every time someone sent me a Happy Birthday text message was very exciting. And I even cherish the public humiliation of HORRIBLE pictures of me posted on your blogs, because behind every bad picture is a FANTASTIC memory. So you're off the hook this time, but if other pics start showing up I will be forced to retaliate...remember that.

So what did I do on my birthday besides listen to messages and read blogs. Well, praise the Lord for Chris Denny. This year I celebrated my birthday with the coolest guy ever in Napa Valley. It began with wine tasting at Domain Chandon then followed by the fanciest dinner ever. A place called the Martini House that had outside seating and Christmas lights (my fav)! Our meal was 5 different plates of the chef's specialties. I ate goose liver on my birthday! And liked it! Everyone should try it! It has a cooler and fancier name but I can't remember it. The whole dining experince was incredible.

Needless to say, thanks to all my family and friends, old and new, I had a fantastic 23rd birthday! I am so blessed to have each of you in my life and I miss you like crazy!


Oh yeah! I still think these are our prime years. 23 is still super young!

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Things they don't teach you in college

The saying goes, " You learn something new everyday..well as for me I think I learn at least 10 new things everyday.

Therefore I shall share my new insights into the world with my fellow friends.

#1 Wal-Marts are not very cool out West and super Wal-Marts are basically nonexistent...they have no idea what they are missing.

#2 There is a print screen button on they keyboard that is very handy. (shift + F11)

#3 I am not a big fan of the spice dill.

#4 There are many other ethnic restaurants outside of mexican and chinese. I see more Indian, Thai, Mediterranean, Japanese, Greek, Mexican, and Chinese food than a simple American Grill.

#5 DINKS: acronym for Double Income No Kids. Permanent couples that have no intentions of getting married just live together to split housing costs and bills and don't ever want kids...strange.

#6 Inspirational quote for october:

7 Everything reminds me of something or someone from back home, whether it's a song, a really cool vintage clothing store, loading the dishwasher, or a great chicken salad recipe.

#8 People take EVERYTHING literally written in "Dianne's Details." I forget my humor may not accurately be expressed through my posts. In which case, no way is that really my tv. The picture of Jack Nicholson is a look a like. And the crowd surfing didn't exactly happen. My apologies, in the future I will italicize my exaggerations.

#9 In essence, getting lost can actually be a good thing. Sometimes I find a beautiful drive, a sheep farm or have one more opportunity to study my map and hope to blessed with a sense of direction!

#10 Giving Bubble Tape and Hubba Bubba to 8-yr old snaggled tooth, ratty hair girls in a station wagon at a podunk gas station is the peak of my job. They must have screamed "THANK YOU FOR THE GUM!!!" out the window 25 times. It was adorable.

Monday, October 03, 2005

major updates

Busyness is no excuse for neglecting the blog. Numerous significant events have taken place that haven't been documented. I feel terrible. So I must recap.

#1 Hollywood was amazing!! I meet my territory guys. They are hysterical. Out of 700 people, my guys are the life of the party. The only people to close down the band, so of course I had to join them! Wrigleys surely knows how to wine and dine to say the least. On the big night I got to ride in an excursion limo and be escorted down the red carpet (where they have the emmy's) to an Awards banquet. People off the streets were crowding around with cameras taking pics of us. We laughed really hard b/c they were gonna be really let down when no one picture worthy ever exited a limo- but great entertainment for me!! I took pics of them!! I also went to this LA club. Everyone dressed in black, covered in tattos, spikey scary hair, and screaming and jumping. Our guys in polos and kackis and no screaming and jumping. although I did crowd surf...

#2 I have definitly found a church. God is so good! The chain of events was amazing. Long story shortened. Becuase I was super late to a service, I meet the father of the paster (who knew John Ed and spoke at Frazier). He gave the 411 on the church, that has been transformed from traditional to contemporary based off a church in ATL called Northpoint...hmmmm! And then he started talking about Andy Stanly and how important small groups are?!?! I was like...this is it! And they need people who are willing to serve as leaders for jr & sr high, and college. SO then I meet the jr high minister (my first friend!!!!) and have been introduced to A LOT of people in the church. They are super nice and have been very welcoming. So I am starting to find my niche!

#3 I expereinced a day in the life of a Wrigleys rep. by myself today! It was good, but it takes me FOREVER to make a call right now, the goal is 10 calls a day.....I only made 4. I think I need start sprinting through the parking lot. But I sold 2 contracts which is more important, so its all good. And one of the Middle Eastern owners gave me roses in a styrofom coffee cup! How sweet is that?!?!

#4 I went to "the city" (the only way to refer to San Francsico around here) with justin (my first friend). It is so fun and I drove the mini-van up the hills...sweet! And I almost ran a red light b/c freaked out as I drove past the most memorble/freightening lodging of MY LIFE!

Sorry to say so much. But now my blogging conscious will be set free. And for those that continuted to read the whole thing...if you want samples of the newest items that wont be in stores til Jan...give me your addy.

Saturday, October 01, 2005

in love


Yes I am in love with a cable company. And you are probably wondering why..because it has some amazing features. Who knew?!?!

And here is the crazy part. The only reason I even figured this out is because I actually decided to read the pamphlets they gave me when I signed up. Normally, I don't even bother and just stuff them in a drawer. But something possessed me to read them.

And it's SO COOL what I discovered. This really cool photoshow thing. It makes the coolest slide shows and now I can upload them for yall and myself!!! And the cable guy was so nice that he gave me a free webcam!! I don't know what to do with it just yet, but if anyone else has one I think we can talk to each other through it!! So let me know!

So if you have the opportunity now or anytime in your life: Choose COMCAST to provide your internet and cable.

Check out my site: Dianne's Photo Show
I still have to tweak it a lot!