Saturday, March 25, 2006

a lil piece of my heart

so for the most part i like to keep my posts lighthearted, silly, random, everyday type stuff...not to deep or thought provoking. no real reason it's just my style.

but lately

I been having these little other words the sappy sentimental dianne keeps coming out. we all know her...but she just doesnt normally come out in the the blog.

but i feel it's only fair to let my readers in on these little moments.

but i just want to say that
change is good and it is what i needed. i'm not saying everyone needs to move across the country but some do.
the Lord continues to make it very clear to me that this is where I am supposed to be.
it can be a hard thing to grasp. but very comforting.
i miss many things from the past and i hate not being part of many things in the present.
but certain situations or a brief moment in time give me peace in knowing that the Lord brought me to California for multiple reasons.
i have been so blessed by trusting Him in daring to take this adventure.
however i'm not all that positive i fully realized exactly what I was doing in taking this step, but that's probably a good thing.

this month I have lived here for 6 months...crazy i know!

ok thats enough. but i want people to know that outstide the gum selling, trips to the city, and odd obbessions, that life is good and more importantly God is good!

also, clear your calendars. I will be coming to the sweet south from May 5 - May 14! i hope to get to spend some quality time with everyone this visit!

Sunday, March 12, 2006

no way are we old

so somedays I feel like a grown-up...

you know..i own furniture..i have a job...i sometimes clean on Saturdays.. strange events like that make me feel all grown up...which some days I like and other days its like..OH MY GOSH I'm getting old

UNTIL.....the random spontaneous adventures re-enter my life.. then I can proudly look say "I still got it"...and maybe even better...being a grown up doesn't exaclty mean that all that fun random stuff disappears...thank GOD!

the freakin snowed in California this weak...i'm not gonna lie..i was pissed...i'm thinking where is beautiful sunny California I'm dying to pride myself in..but oh no we got snow..

so chris, teneele (my austrailian friend who's never seen snow and had made it her life long dream to find snow) and I hoped in the car at 11 PM on thursday after a fantastic epidsode of the OC. and drove north until we hit a surprising beautiful winterwonderland in CALIFORNIA.

Turned out to be a pretty amazing late night adventure in the freezing cold snow!!!

and praise the Lord Teneele has now made a snow ball.

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Guilt Free Dessert

yes everyone knows that YOGURT is life's guilt free dessert. quite possibly why i am such a huge fan and of course the delicious yummy taste (maybe i should go into the yogurt business over the gum business?!?!) I am constantly keeping my eyes open for TCBY replacements.

Let's just say I have succeeded.

I have always had the dream of becoming a regular somewhere...where you walk in and everyone knows your your dog is and where you do your dry cleaning... that sense of love as you enter the doors. what a beautiful feeling.

Well i have found quite possible the most adorable, friendly and coolest yogurt shop in Santa Rosa where I will definitely be a regular face.

It is a mom and pop shop with so many flavors that you are overwhelmed. I knew it was love at first sight when they offered a “toffee nut" flavored yogurt (for those who don’t know a toffee nut latte is my drink at starbucks!) I was overjoyed right..but it got even better as i began to befriend the owners... turns out they are dedicating a wall in the store to a "Hall of Fame", so naturally i have made it my mission to make the hall of fame....

what do you do to make it on the "Hall of Fame?"

Buy one of their super cool t-shirts and take pictures in other states wearing the t-shirt...and then you get to post your picture on the wall of YOGURT FARMS!!! How much fun is that?!?!

the first lucky state was Illinois!!

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Making Faces

Another new obession...Make-up!! It really is amazing the difference make-up can do to a girl. I have been trying to convince someone..anyone to take makeup classes with me so i can know which colors look best for my to have smokey eyes...when does colored eyeshadow work and when does it not. etc.. etc..

However make-up classes seem to actually be for those who want to do it professionally...not exaclty what I had in instead...Chris introduced me to the book "Making Faces" by Kevyn Aucoin. I am a huge fan...maybe this will include me in Rachels bookclub... It has a step by step approach to achieve any look you choose. So now it takes me EVEN LONGER to get ready..but it's so much fun!

this is me imitating the face in the book....the look was titled "Model"
the crazy part is i look surprising like the picture, but i feel real silly.

martha & cecil much has happened since I last let's recap

#1 Marhta and Cecil made it to Cali. What a joy it was to have the folks come out and visit!! Lets justs say that my aprartment was vacuumed, cloroxed, and tightied more in one week than it has EVER been. parents are amazing. they got to tour wine country, the beautiful coast, San Francisco, and most importantly had lots of quality time with their daughter!! Gosh I love my parents. And they finally got to meet Chris! We all had so much fun!

What's a trip to wine coutry without drinking some wine....people live by reds....but no shame in loving the white...right mom!
This is my mom eating the largested plate of nachos she has ever ordered. I wish you could have seen her face as the waitor placed the mound of chips and cheese in front of her! I think she may have calucutated the number of calories in each bite, we were very proud to watch her indulge into the yummy feast!San Francisco is never a let down. Eating dungeness crabs on the Warf was definitely a highlight of the week. not mention the sourdough bread bowl filled with clam chowder...can you tell we like to eat!

I know I pride myself in being a fantastic tourist...but new friend from Austraila is going to give me some competitoin. She came with us to the city! It was a blast. Do the silver men look familiar to anyone?!??!