Saturday, April 29, 2006

sing karoke...check

so on the life list, i get to put a check mark next to SING KAROKE

and not once but twice for that matter

we rocked the house with Who's Bed have Your Boots Been Under and Hit Me With Your Best Shot. if you cant tell, we had a good time..and the crowd loved us. i will be back to Rita's!

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

the mcmuffin vs. the cinnamon crunch bagel


somedays i wonder...

will we become those old people that ritually meet at McDonald's every morning and throughly enjoy a McMuffin and a cup of coffee.

Initally, I felt sorry for these people (like dont you have something better to do) but then i noticed they just hang out all morning long and appear extremely content and happy.

I now think this is a beautiful picture...however I'm not a big fan of McDonald's.

Maybe as our genertaion gets gray we will just migrate to the Panera's or Sonoma Valley Bagels of the world and spend endless hours every morning there instead!

Yes I like that!

Sunday, April 02, 2006

do you know "The Turtles"?

ok so the evening went like this....

the guys were cooking a delicious Southern home cooked meal for the girls. pork chops, homemade mashed potatoes and gravy, and green beans. It took me back to dinner in Alabama right...good friends, good food, good fun. what more could you ask for right?!?!

Then we hear a knock on the door and what seemed like a normal evening became bizarre, hystericanl and maybe even monumental?? well maybe monumental isn't the word.

Well then as we finishing up our meal and about to put in a movie...we hear a knock and the door.. it was our sweet neighbor. we automatically thought our music was too loud and she was going to politely ask us to turn it down a notch.. but instead she proceeds to tell us that she has a friend in town who wants to play the guitar for us. Chris politely says sure we would love to hear his stuff, however we are all secretly hoping he will just play one song and peace out, but what musician actually does that.

Well I'm sitting there listening and this man who is rambling about all sorts of stories about amps bursting, loosing picks, etc. I knew we were going to be stuck in the situation for a LONG time.

Then he proceeds to tell us that he was a member of "The Turtles," which sadly meant nothing to me, but then started to play the song "Happy Together" and I was like oh yeah I know that song.

Then he tells us that he wrote and oddly enough I still am not fascinated...but basically just wanted to burst out into the laughter the entire night at the amusement of this old man jammin (and he was into it) in Chris's apartment. But apparently this man is some what of a big deal...