Tuesday, January 31, 2006

current discoveries

i think its time for a list

#1 ok so..how come no one has introduced me to Dashboard Confessional.. They are awesome!!! I know they have been around forever but oh my gosh...i cannot get enough of Screaming Infidelities, The Brilliant Dance, and many more. Who has been holding out on me.

"The Places You Have Come..." is a great album

#2 Does anyone care what their sign is?? Because people LOVE their sign here. One day we asked a girl to tell us a little bit about herself...the first thing she was.. "I'm a cancer" It took me a second to realize that she didn't actually have cancer but that her sign was cancer. I thought a little odd until I read mine. I used to snicker and do still think it is pretty funny. but read yours..mine strangely describes me....hmm...interesting.

#3 I'm like 99% positive I saw my first famous rock band as I was leaving a convenient store in Healdsburg, CA on Monday, November January 27
..i think someone as famous of Green Day. But since my pop culture knowledge sucks...i cannot place the faces to save my life. However if you see a star sighting in the next PEOPLE magazine of a rock band in northern California...I was like 5 feet from them.. description...4 guys rockstar clothes and spikey hair..one with a flavor saver and a round face. one really skinny with black spikey hair and cool jeans.....

#4 Roshambo: the actual title for the game Rock, Paper, Scissor....who knew?? However it's also the name of a really cool winery out here and we joined. I'm part of a wine club!

#5 I just purchased the highlight of my life! Season One of the OC! A Seth Cohen Marathon here I come! I'm afraid I may be attached to my couch for a while.

#6 i think every girl could secretly wish they were a Charlie's Angel...i know i do!

Saturday, January 21, 2006


ok so you've probably ask yourself quite frequently, "What exactly does Dianne eat for dinner out there in California?" I know you've racked your brain wondering what my diet consists. And since you are so concerned I have decided to provide you with a list of meals I will be cooking and consuming over the next month in my home.

Red Snapper Vera Cruz
Thai Peanut Chicken with Coconut Sauce
Chicken Cacciatore
Savory Garlic Steak
Moroccan Chicken
Citrus Glazed Pork

ok.. so really the thought probably has never crossed your mind. In fact, there is a good chance you could care less what I eat and it’s cool because I can't say I think about what you eat either (unless its El Ray, Chick-fl-a or a cinnamon crunch bagel with hazelnut cream cheese from Panera)

But the point is: dinnertime.com

Quite possibly the coolest solution to have a delicious, fresh home cooked meal every night without having come up with it and cook it. And it's so much fun. You get to go to this place where they have separate stations set up to prepare each meal with all the ingredients right in front of you. You make the yummy meal, then put it in Ziploc or aluminum, then freeze it until you want to eat it. The other night Chris and I made all these meals in 1 hour and it only cost $130 for 12 meals. It’s a great deal and the food is really tasty!

My advice to you is to check out the website then open a franchise where you live, because this is a great idea. Cheaper than eating out, no hunting through the cabinet to find something to throw together, no hassle to cook, and fun to make with someone (and you get to wear an apron!!)

and the February menu looks really good!

Friday, January 13, 2006

Back to Reality

Back to life...back to reality...

the past 3 weeks have been nothing but excessive fun however back to the routine of everyday life. sometimes i would swear that I hate routines but at this moment I'm actually quite satisfied to back into my normal life.

To recap the past 3 weeks is definitly worth it.

I returned to the sweet south for the shortest visit of my life, but it was bittersweet. Praise the Lord for hugs, laughs, good chats and reminising! Christmas came and went but it was great to see everyone for brief moments.

Week 2 of fun!

Hanna came to visit!! Maybe my favorite week in Cali so far! It was a blast even in the big flood! Wine tasting, shopping, eating 2 rounds of In & Out in one sitting, and just doing nothing!

Not to mention New Years! So I used to look at New Years as the the let down holiday. There is all this hype built up and then the ball drops you eat pork chops, black eyed peas and turnip greens and its a new year..wahoo. However never before have I spent New Years with thousands of people in downtown San Francisco. Bascially we partied like rockstars at the Hyatt Hotel. Not only did we arrive strutting down the red carpet but we danced to En Vogue and the best 80's cover band ever,Tainted Love, until we couldn't party any longer. Needless to say I reccommend going all out for the new year!

Week 3 of fun was spent in West Palm Beach Florida, Chris's home town. Definitly a town worth going to! We got to ride around in a mustang convertible in sunny Florida..how I miss the hot sun! I got to see Chris's world in Florida. It was so fun meeting his family, friends and fulfilling a lifelong dream of going back to Disney world. I wanted to wear the Mickey ears all day but was advised against the great idea!

Most importantly I have a new phone number, so program my new digits into your cell
707 758 8448