The saying goes, " You learn something new everyday..well as for me I think I learn at least 10 new things everyday.
Therefore I shall share my new insights into the world with my fellow friends.
#1 Wal-Marts are not very cool out West and super Wal-Marts are basically nonexistent...they have no idea what they are missing.
#2 There is a print screen button on they keyboard that is very handy. (shift + F11)
#3 I am not a big fan of the spice dill.
#4 There are many other ethnic restaurants outside of mexican and chinese. I see more Indian, Thai, Mediterranean, Japanese, Greek, Mexican, and Chinese food than a simple American Grill.
#5 DINKS: acronym for Double Income No Kids. Permanent couples that have no intentions of getting married just live together to split housing costs and bills and don't ever want kids...strange.
#6 Inspirational quote for october:
7 Everything reminds me of something or someone from back home, whether it's a song, a really cool vintage clothing store, loading the dishwasher, or a great chicken salad recipe.
#8 People take EVERYTHING literally written in "Dianne's Details." I forget my humor may not accurately be expressed through my posts. In which case, no way is that really my tv. The picture of Jack Nicholson is a look a like. And the crowd surfing didn't exactly happen. My apologies, in the future I will italicize my exaggerations.
#9 In essence, getting lost can actually be a good thing. Sometimes I find a beautiful drive, a sheep farm or have one more opportunity to study my map and hope to blessed with a sense of direction!
#10 Giving Bubble Tape and Hubba Bubba to 8-yr old snaggled tooth, ratty hair girls in a station wagon at a podunk gas station is the peak of my job. They must have screamed "THANK YOU FOR THE GUM!!!" out the window 25 times. It was adorable.